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      Control equipment for hot water engineering
      • Heating engineering touch screen

      Heating engineering touch screen

      Categories:Control equipment for hot water engineering

      Uses: Heating touch screen. Display size: 3.5 inches, 5 inches, 7 inches, 10 inches, 12 inches, 15 inches. Aspect ratio: 4: 3 or 16: 9. Features: Waterproof / general, all stainless steel waterproof panel. Internal interface: standard UART interface, RS-232 interfaces, RS-485 interface. Input voltage: selectable DC5 ~ DC42V; Current job: there are differences according to the screen different; Effective display size: According to the size of the screen; Degree of resolution: HD, puqing. Backlight: LED. Working temp...

      Specification for downloadOnline consulting

      • Product features
      • Product parameters
      • Application case
      • Equipment Selection
      Uses: Heating touch screen.
      Display size: 3.5 inches, 5 inches, 7 inches, 10 inches, 12 inches, 15 inches.
      Aspect ratio: 4: 3 or 16: 9.
      Features: Waterproof / general, all stainless steel waterproof panel.
      Internal interface: standard UART interface, RS-232 interfaces, RS-485 interface.
      Input voltage: selectable DC5 ~ DC42V;
      Current job: there are differences according to the screen different;
      Effective display size: According to the size of the screen;
      Degree of resolution: HD, puqing.
      Backlight: LED.
      Working temperature: -20 ℃ ~ + 70 ℃, -30 ℃ ~ + 60 ℃.
      Installation: surface mounted, concealed.
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