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      Company profile
      ShenZhen DongTe Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Guangdong Province, China Maoyuan Industrial Park District, is a focus on high-end hot water engineering design, installation and water engineering equipment manufacturers of professional technology-based enterprises. At present, the company's water engineering products include: High frequency electromagnetic water heaters, direct thermal electromagnetic water heaters, air to water engineering unit, LCD intelligent water control engineering equipment, power inverter equipment cookers and hot water pipes , which are widely used in hotels water projects, Wen Quanheng temperature engineering, efficient kitchen direct thermal hot water, high temperature hot water industrial engineering, heating engineering.

      Company's existing standard environment simulation laboratory and production lines and advanced production and testing equipment, providing a powerful guarantee of product quality and production capacity. In terms of innovation, and related products have been a number of national patents and certification, which frequency electromagnetic water unit independent innovation research and development, to fill gaps in the domestic, energy saving hot water engineering, safety, practicality and equipment durability has been a qualitative leap, since the use of products from the market, the majority of engineering companies and users.
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