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      Control equipment for hot water engineering

      Control equipment for hot water engineering

      High power electric hot water boiler

      High power electric hot water boiler

      Variable frequency electromagnetic steam generating unit

      Variable frequency electromagnetic steam generating unit

      Frequency conversion electromagnetic water heater unit

      Frequency conversion electromagnetic water heater unit

      Air energy water heater

      Air energy water heater

      Intelligent engineering touch control panel

      Intelligent engineering touch control panel


      Hotel hot water project

      Hotel hot water project

      Feature: HD LCD interactive interface, full screen resistive touch operation, easy to monitor water temperature, water and system status; with automatic water control, water full automatic stop the water, shallow water starts automatically. According lin...

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      Heating engineering project

      Heating engineering project

      Heating equipment: Heating equipment Optional: Electromagnetic water heaters, air Water heaters, gas water heaters, solar water heaters. Touch screen:PI6003/PT6005/PT6007/PT6010/PT6012/PT6015 Water Level Controller:EC210

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      Villa hot spring project

      Villa hot spring project

      Features:HD LCD interactive interface, full screen resistive touch operation, easy to monitor water temperature, water and system status; with automatic water control, water full automatic stop the water, shallow water starts automatically. According linking d...

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      Electromagnetic steam engineering

      Electromagnetic steam engineering

      HD LCD interactive interface, full screen resistive touch operation, easy to monitor water temperature, water and system status; with automatic water control, water full automatic stop the water, shallow water starts automatically. According linking devices, c...

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       Swimming pool constant temperature program

      Swimming pool constant temperature program

      HD LCD interactive interface, full screen resistive touch operation, easy to monitor water temperature, water and system status; with automatic water control, water full automatic stop the water, shallow water starts automatically. According linking devices, ...

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      Hot spring system program

      Hot spring system program

      Features: HD LCD interactive interface, full screen resistive touch operation, easy to monitor water temperature, water and system status; with automatic water control, water full automatic stop the water, shallow water starts automatically. According lin...

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      Industry High temperature hot water solution

      High temperature hot water solution

      Features: Using hot air heat pump combined with electromagnetic equipment, whether it is cold or hot, hot water can be stable energy supply, induction heating systems, supplying steam or high-temperature heat.

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      Intelligent control engineering

      Intelligent control engineering

      HD LCD interactive interface, full screen resistive touch operation, easy to monitor water temperature, water and system status; with automatic water control, water full automatic stop the water, shallow water starts automatically. According linking devices, ...

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      Module design, multi model free combination, flexible response to a variety of programs

      The same type or different models can be freely combined.

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      National service hotline:0755-23221001 / 13302969055

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