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      The disadvantage of air heat pump

      Source: 深圳市東特工程設備有限公司Popularity:3564Time: 2016-07-30 16:43:04SML

      Air heat pumps use the existing problems

      1. Environmental Adaptability
      Air heat pump water heater with air as a heat source, the energy efficiency ratio (COP) and the normal operation or not directly related to the temperature of the air source, currently on the market most of the air to air heat pump water heater is designed to source temperature 0 ℃ ~ 40 ℃, and parameter Description rated operating conditions are 25 ℃, this only applies to the design parameters of parts of the south of the Yangtze River. Of the annual average temperature is about 10 ℃, and winter temperatures are generally in the area north of the Yangtze River air -5 ℃ of heat pump water heater is difficult to achieve the desired energy savings. Even if the temperature is below -10 ℃, the unit can not be started, which greatly limits the air source heat pump water heater market space.

      2. Air heat pump water heater installation
      Small household air-source heat pump water heaters currently on the market mainstream products dimensions are large, only suitable for installation in the roof and floor, other floors consumer can only be installed on the balcony. But with the improvement of people's living environment requirements monster on the balcony, the consumer is not willing to accept.

      3. Consumer awareness of the heat pump water heater
      Air heat pump water heater in the domestic market is a new thing, its consumer awareness is still very low. There are many into thinking that calories can be obtained with a four heat is impossible, that it does not comply with the law of conservation of energy, but also about other thermal recovery technology products is the same understanding, although the popularity of heat pump air conditioner rate has been very high. Awareness confined to the air conditioner is power-hungry, but do not know which is more energy efficient than coal ball stove. Currently, paraelectric, Suning Appliance chain stores have not pump water heater products appear, and the manufacturer of the heat pump water heater marketing is in direct manner, there is no turning home central air conditioning agent marketing model described heat pump water heater to truly become a mature product yet needs time.

      The drawback of using air heat pump water heater
      In general, when a new product into the market, there will always be some kind of defect, for air heat pump water heater, its deficiencies in the technical aspects:

      First, the air heat pump drawbacks - the appearance of a problem. We can say that one of the main shortcomings of the volume of air to water heater is huge, not suited to national conditions. Air heaters can generally be divided into one and split two, due to the generally small urban family bathroom, so no matter what type, its huge body still prohibitive for consumers.

      Secondly, air heat pump drawback - frost problems. Obvious regional characteristics, because of its dependence on the ambient temperature is too large, the normal working environment temperature is between -5 ℃ -40 ℃, it is basically applicable to eastern and southern China south of the Yangtze River, Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Hunan , Jiangxi, Yunnan and other provinces in the development of air heat pump water heaters, relatively good. In the prior art has not really solve the difficult problems caused by frost product runs, the majority of the north is basically no one dared to match.

      Again, air to water heater disadvantage - easy to burn out the compressor. Heat pump water heater market is currently widely used in circulating heating system, which is increasingly exposed technical defects that run in high temperature and pressure conditions, easy to make a compressor aging, carbonation, combined with poor lubrication system, cause the compressor easily burned.

      Finally, air to water heater disadvantages - heat exchangers and tube heat exchanger fouling and easy to break. Heat pump water heater water temperature typically reaches 50 ℃ to 60 ℃, in this temperature range of water is the most easy to scale, if not regularly cleaned heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers for the purposes, it will burst, the sleeve tube heat exchanger, the inner tube may rupture, leading to loss of function of the entire heat pump water heaters. Practical experience gained over the years of our comprehensive view, I want to be useful!
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