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      The concept and the use of industrial heat pump principle

      Source: 深圳市東特工程設(shè)備有限公司Popularity:2801Time: 2016-07-30 16:58:42SML

      Concept of industrial heat pump is a heat pump for industrial areas inside the industrial heat pump and the heat pump is usually not the same as the maximum water temperature that is not the same, the water pump is usually higher than the heat pump. Mainly used for sterilization, drying tea.

      Industrial heat pump is a highly efficient heating device based on the second law of thermodynamics generated, energy is transferred from the low temperature (low-temperature thermal reservoir) to high temperature (high-temperature thermal reservoir), and it is supplied to the high temperature of the local energy and to it is greater than the energy demand of the operation, the more this part is the heat energy in the operation of the effect of removing from the cold.

      When using low-boiling liquid through the throttle after decompression transpiration, objects absorb heat from a low temperature, and then tighten the steam, the temperature rises, release heat when absorbed through the condenser is liquefied, so the cycle can continue operating temperature from the heat lower body transferred to the higher temperature of the object, this heat can be used for heating, drying and other equipment.
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