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      Green - saving water projects

      Source: 深圳市東特工程設備有限公司Popularity:2122Time: 2016-07-30 16:51:31SML

      This year more than ten million units of affordable housing mission, the provinces and cities more green energy is re-tread "accelerator", Beijing, Shenzhen, Jiangsu have issued the "affordable housing Green Building Assessment Protocol" to guide and encourage affordable housing to create a green building. ... Four Seasons song Mu solar hot sunshine happiness affordable housing project has been started. Protection of housing construction in the green, the incremental cost control and building integrated solar energy is not only the responsibility of enterprises, but also to act as the user's own task, advances in technology, energy-saving water projects are making progress, the green line, East special engineering equipment to tell you that everything is possible, so that our planet greener.
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