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      Control equipment for hot water engineering
      • Intelligent Water Level Controller EC220

      Intelligent Water Level Controller EC220

      Categories:Control equipment for hot water engineering

      Features: 1. built-in switching power supply, input supply voltage AC85V ~ AC265V. 2. optional: Direct relay output / active AC220V output. 3. programmable control, the temperature data can be adjusted via LCD touch screen. 4. built-in + 5V / 1A, + 24V / 0.2A DC power output to the user. 5. microcomputer UART data transfer interface, convenience and hot water central controller.

      Specification for downloadOnline consulting

      • Product features
      • Product parameters
      • Application case
      • Equipment Selection
      EC220 intelligent water level controller, level control applied to water projects, solar hot water tank level control.


      1. built-in switching power supply, input supply voltage AC85V ~ AC265V.
      2. optional: Direct relay output / active AC220V output.
      3. programmable control, the temperature data can be adjusted via LCD touch screen.
      4. built-in + 5V / 1A, + 24V / 0.2A DC power output to the user.
      5. microcomputer UART data transfer interface, convenience and hot water central controller.

      EC220 Intelligent Water Level Controller
      Intelligent water level controller uses microcomputer intelligent control, it is widely used in roof tanks, cisterns, water plants, water works and other water equipment installation. It is more intelligent than the traditional float level, and more reliable. EC210 intelligent water level controller can automatically control the water level according to the user's settings to make sure the tank water level is normal. Hot water control project, the family roof level control, the low water level warning, low water level automatic replenishment.

      Water level controller wiring diagram:
      Water line L1 / L2 / L3 level can be placed at any position does not affect the water level monitoring, GND put the lowest position;
      Water pipeline: DN20-DN50 conduit
      Water level: high-quality 5-core copper cable, wire diameter is not required.
      EC201A: water level control. Water full automatic water, shallow water than the water level automatically.
      EC201B: On the basis of EC201A on the increase in 2-channel temperature sensor to detect the temperature of the water tank and return pipe temperature, and with the end of the pipe backwater control.
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