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      Frequency conversion electromagnetic water heater unit
      • 20KW Frequency conversion electromagnetic water heater unit

      20KW Frequency conversion electromagnetic water heater unit

      Categories:Frequency conversion electromagnetic water heater unit

      Hotel, restaurant kitchens saving application: hotel, restaurant kitchen, no tanks, no waiting, direct hot water output can be directly connected to the kitchen hot water faucet for washing dishes, washing dishes, washing oil floor.

      Specification for downloadOnline consulting

      • Product features
      • Product parameters
      • Application case
      • Equipment Selection
      Hotel, restaurant kitchens saving application: hotel, restaurant kitchen, no tanks, no waiting, direct hot water output can be directly connected to the kitchen hot water faucet for washing dishes, washing dishes, washing oil floor.

      Electronic Features

       Input Voltage

       0V to420V AC3 Phase

       Normal operation voltage


       Frequency range


       Input Power


       Full Load Input Current


       Efficiency(full load


       Stand by power loss

      <3W@ 380V Input

       Input cables

       6 mm2

       Leakage Current


       Inrush line current(cold start)




       Operating temperature range

       -20℃- + 45℃

       Storage temperature range

       -50℃- + 80℃

       loop motor voltage

       220V/ 16A

       Senor type


       The range of temperature sensor

       -40℃- + 99℃

       Panel type

       LCD touch panel154.1x85.9 mm/ 800x480 pt


      User parameter characteristics


       Wenquan Heng Wen, central hot water works, circulating water heating, pool pasteurization, heat pumps companion, solar hot water project

       Production Water

       1030L/H@25℃ temperature rise

       Working Mode

       Induction heating

       Working environment

       Indoor and outdoor

       Supreme Outlet temerature

       65℃/ 80℃/ 90℃

       Maximum inlet temperature

       65℃/ 80℃/ 90℃

       Feed lines diameter


       Effluent conduit diameter


       Phase loss Protection


       Without water protection護(hù)


       Over temperature protection


       Fan abnormal protecion


       Storage  tank temperature detection


       Outsaid temperature detection




       Shape dimension

       838mm (length) x445mm (width) x489mm (height)


       The above parameters for reference only,the actual machine parameters prevail

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