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      Case of hot water in the kitchen

      Direct thermal output temperature of hot water

      Source: 深圳市東特工程設(shè)備有限公司人氣:1985發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016-07-30 17:27:11

      Straight hot-water projects:
      High frequency electromagnetic water heaters by the cold water into the mouth with cold water, hot water outlet direct output of hot water temperature thermostat big traffic, you just regulate the water temperature, or set up the power of the machine, open the hot water outlet, automatic hot water heating to the set value; frequency conversion device according to the outlet temperature of the work, really how much water, how much power consumption of energy-saving purposes.

      Hotel, restaurant kitchen for hot water applications:
      Kitchen water, connected directly to the hot water faucet for washing vegetables, washing dishes, washing the kitchen floor with.
      No waiting, no water, which means that the heat; hotel kitchen suitable for hot water, hot restaurant kitchen simple, large dining place with hot water.
      Small footprint, can also be hung on the wall.

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